"What Retail Security System is Best for My Business?"

Your retail security system has to take into account different aspects of security than do other businesses or homes. The main difference is that your business has retail merchandise that is within reach of customers. Also, cash is being exchanged for this merchandise.

This interaction with consumers, merchandise, and cash can cause issues with your bottom line. Merchandise can be stolen and there is a possibility that there could be shady going things going on at the cash register.

Business Security Systems

cash register

In retail, you need to protect your store personnel, your cash, and your merchandise. You need to plan your security strategy like any other business does. An alarm system is a must. You need to be aware of breaches into the perimeter of your store during off-business hours.

Like other businesses, video surveillance should play a part in your retail security system. Whether you use CCTV or digital technology, surveillance will allow you to have a better idea of what is going on within the stores. Surveillance also does a great job in deterring bad things from happening.

You can also have security guards to help protect your business. You just want to make sure that you do not alienate your customers by having such a visible show of force.

Retail Specific Security Systems

apparel for retail security system

The area in which retail systems differ from other business security systems is that merchandise needs to be protected. A retail business owner has to worry about theft of his or her merchandise. Inventory loss and shrinkage are terms that keep the business owner up at night.

Sensor tags help to alleviate many of the concerns of the retail business owner. They place security tags on the merchandise. There are also security towers at the entrances of the stores. These security towers are triggered if the security tags are not taken off or deactivated when the item is paid for.

The main companies for sensor tags are Checkpoint, Sensormatic, and Knogo.

Checkpoint is a leader within the retail shrink industry. They not only supply sensor tags, but also have different labeling solutions and are up to date on RFID technology for retailers.

Sensormatic is owned by Tyco which also owns ADT. Because of this, there is potential to get synergistic security advice on monitoring, surveillance, and inventory specific technology to better secure your business.

Knogo is owned by Sentry Technology Corporation. Sentry also offers a line of CCTV security systems, RFID solutions, and EAS(Electronic Article Surveillance) security systems.


You need to come up with a strategy for your retail security system. In general, if your merchandise is more expensive or you have apparel items, you will need to have systems that will be alerted if the merchandise goes out the door.

Internal video surveillance systems will also help with any concerns of retail shrinkage. People will be less likely to shoplift if they know that the store is being monitored. If you believe that merchandise has been stolen, you can go to your recordings to find out the cause.